Housing Education Program Forms
Ten Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector
For Your Protection – Get a Home Inspection
Disclosure of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing
Budgeting Forms
Household Budgeting Spreadsheet
About District 4
U-SNAP-BAC is part of the city of Detroit’s District 4 community. If you have any questions or concerns about your neighborhood, call Ebony Deberry, District 4 Deputy Manager, at 313-236-3520, or email her at ebony.deberry@detroitmi.gov. District 4 Business Liaison is Aftan Malone, 313-510-5288, amalone@degc.org.
These public servants can assist you in building a cleaner, greener, healthier Detroit neighborhood. District 4 is located on the far east side of Detroit. District 4 borders both Harper Woods and the Grosse Pointes and is home to many established homeowners associations and block clubs. With beautiful waterfront parks and activities, canal-lined neighborhoods and historical corridors, District 4 is home to nearly 100,000 residents. The far eastside of Detroit is vibrant with youth sports, small businesses and concerned citizens.
Important Contacts
Detroit Fire, Police or Medical Emergency 911
Poison Control Center (313) 745-5711 or (800) 222-1222
Drug Enforcement Administration (313) 234-4000
Electric or Gas Emergencies – DTE Energy
MichCon Gas Emergencies Only (800) 947-5000
Detroit Edison Electric Emergencies (800) 477-4747
FBI (313) 965-2323
Michigan State Police (313) 256-9636
United Way 211 (dialed from any land line)
36th District Court (313) 965-2200
Probate Court (313) 224-5709
Recorders Court Info (313) 224-2501
Third Judicial Circuit Court (313) 224-8220
Office of Public Information
Detroit Police Department
1300 Beaubien, Room 203
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Office: (313) 596-2200
Fax: (313) 596-1450
Email: Pubinfo@detroitmi.gov
Avoid Shutoff of your Energy bill
Call (800) 545-8046 to get assistance if you meet any of the following requirements:
Disabled Persons
Seniors on a Fixed Income