Our Commitment to Affordable Housing
U SNAP BAC Nonprofit Housing Corporation is the proud owner of Lakewood Manor and Morningside Common Townhomes located on Detroit’s Eastside. Both developments are affordable and guaranteed for at least 30 years, residents will not have to worry about being priced out of their homes.
For more information on these properties, contact:
Continental Management Company
14200 Kercheval
313 821-0469
Detroit, MI 48215
Lakewood Manor - 14200 Kercheval, Detroit: 30 units of affordable; 1,2,3 bedrooms
Morningside Commons: Wayburn/Alter Road, Detroit Eastside, 64 units of affordable rental townhomes with garages, 2,3,4, bedrooms.
Rebuilding Home Together
For the first time in 10 years, USNAPBAC is rehabilitating single-family homes in our service area to facilitate affordable homeownership for low-moderate income households.
Rebuilding Home Together is a city-wide housing delivery system meant to position community development organizations (CDOs) to purchase, rehab and sell affordable single family homes in neighborhoods across Detroit. In partnership with Community Development Advocates of Detroit we are building a systems-level approach to address Detroit’s housing quality issues while also ensuring that new investments are in service of the city’s legacy residents.
USNAPBAC’s first RHT Renovation Before (bottom) & After (top)